Ready to see your work in print?
Firstly, congratulations on getting the hard work done and getting the manuscript together!
Check out our FAQs to find out more about working with us.
Check out our FAQs to find out more about working with us.

Submit your work
As a first step to submitting your work, please populate and email the questionnaire to:
Our editorial team will aim to get back to you within 3-4 weeks to discuss the submission of your full manuscript.
What books or materials do we publish?
We are primarily focused on devotional, inspirational or theological material that encourages, builds up and equips a believer to be a disciple of Christ and make other disciples. We are not accepting research or theoretical papers at this time.
We love the diversity that is within the church, so we are accepting of the various theological positions our authors might have. However, to ensure our editorial team are positioned to provide advice, as well as ensure our publications are in line with our overarching mission, we encourage our authors to review our organisation’s Statement of Faith for agreement before going ahead to submit their work.
We love the diversity that is within the church, so we are accepting of the various theological positions our authors might have. However, to ensure our editorial team are positioned to provide advice, as well as ensure our publications are in line with our overarching mission, we encourage our authors to review our organisation’s Statement of Faith for agreement before going ahead to submit their work.
How do I go about submitting my work?
A helpful first step for us would be if you populate and submit the questionnaire (provided for download above) about your work, via email to Regardless of outcome, we will aim to get in touch within 3-4 weeks.
Are there any formatting or style preferences I should take note of?
Should we accept your manuscript for publishing, we will supply a style sheet to guide the formatting of your manuscript, with the view to minimise such work for the editors. It is also important that you ensure that you have already sought permission and paid for the necessary licenses to reproduce any quotes you have in your work, as this will speed up the publishing process.
Do we publish submissions in other languages?
We welcome submissions from all countries, but as we do not have an in-house translations team, we are only accepting submissions written in English at this time.
Is a cover letter required?
While a cover letter isn’t necessary, it would certainly help us to get to know who you are, your motivation behind your book and your expectations for the publishing process.
How long is the publishing process?
The journey from manuscript to book (printed, digital or audio) is different for every work. It depends on the type of work and how close to printing the manuscript is. The process can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. We will evaluate the manuscript and work with you on an agreed and reasonable timeframe.
How much control do I have over the process?
We understand that the creative process is very deeply personal and can represent a great investment of hard work and time. It is our aim therefore to partner with you to ensure that your work bears your unique ‘fingerprint’. You will be closely consulted on your goals and preferences, and you will always be sent the draft versions of proofs and cover designs before any finalisation.
How much advance can I expect?
As a small, independent publishing house, we are not able to work with our authors under a traditional publishing contract (i.e. where the costs for producing, publishing and marketing are borne by AN Publishing). Instead, we work with our authors in a partnership-based model where both parties share in the costs. As a non-profit organisation, we are also committed to fully supporting our authors through bearing the lion share of the costs, and properly renumerating them with royalty rates that are above the current market rate.