Relationally uniting the 5 fold ministry
graces and awakening the bride for revival
God is raising up a movement of apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, shepherding and teaching voices who are humbly and relationally joining their hearts to see the Nations turn to Jesus. He is raising up servant leaders who love God more than minisrty, presence more than performance and advancing the Kingdom of God not their brand. We are inviting you for two days together with the All Nations movement family to pray, seek God and join hearts, as we humble ourselves, worship and posture our lives for Revival.

High Leigh Conference Centre
Lord St, Hoddesdon EN11 8SG
Lord St, Hoddesdon EN11 8SG
£250 per person
(Discount applies for couples & payment plan available)
(Discount applies for couples & payment plan available)
Price includes accommodation for two nights, breakfast, lunch and dinner for all delegates.
Event Contributors

Steve Uppal
All Nations Movement

Esther Uppal
All Nations Movement

Mark Pugh
Rediscover Church

Lawrence Neisent
Destiny Church

Henry & Rachael Ita
New Life Derby

Josh Howard
Central India Mission

Anne Calver
Unleashed Church

Chris Horton
All Nations

Rick Kaul
All Nations

Akhtar Shah
The Foundry

Daniel Harman
City Life Church

Clive and Jane Urquhart
Kingdom Faith